Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Childhood Toys
Older times, toys are for fun.
It brings happiness.
Having fun and companionship is the goal.
Joyful laughters are everywhere.
Nowadays, toys create tension.
It brings frustration.
Winning and breaking high score became priority.
Competitive is very common.
Innocence is priceless.
Children, don't grow up too quick please...
Monday, April 20, 2009
I Need An Angel Too...
Or should I say, finally take it serious into what one have realized all these while.
It took me quite some years.
And I am still learning to put them into action....
I need an angel.
To keep me strong from doing what I should be doing.
And continue to believe that I can make it.
Was being addressed as an angel for twice within one week time..
For sharing what I have realized based on my past experience..
Glad that they addressed me as an angel and not a busybody.
I need an angel too.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Women in Men's World
I always love to believe that women are as capable as men.
However, it is really different.
Capability wise, gender is not a key variable.
The way women handle emotions.
The way women "battle" in their career.
I have seen too many females who bring personal emotions to work.
And let them affect their decisions.
Including myself.
Am I losing focus?
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Dream & Happiness
But that's the best part of living.
Now I feel like a human. With flesh and blood.
Have been living the life of a robot for quite some time.
Happiness comes with pain.
I rather have it both, then to live without emotions.
Am I truly happy?
What a question.
I do not have an answer.
I have a dream in my heart.
Or should I say I have some dreams.
Each of them leads to a different path.
But they could have a cross point at some time.
What I am very sure of, is that I have to be responsible for my own happiness.
This is the starting step to any of my dreams.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
當你喜歡一個人時,你想和他在一起,因為他會帶給你快樂; 離開後,你會想念,想著想著就會笑,然後繼續你平靜的生活,並期待著與他再一次重逢。
當你愛一個人時,你想和他在一起,那是一種牽腸掛肚的捨不得,怕他受委屈,怕他不能好好照顧自己; 離開後,你也會想念,想著想著歎一口氣,'不知他現在過的怎樣?' ,然後你繼續你平靜的生活,希望他早日回到你身邊。
你會希望陪在你愛的人身邊,看他在你面前睡得如此安逸甜美毫不設防的樣子,你會微笑,會覺得 好幸福。
你愛的人傷害了你,你只會獨自傷心,因為你怕對他大吼大叫會嚇著他,你憂傷地微笑著,看著他的眼睛, 一旦發現他的眼裡流露出歉意和悔恨,你會立即心疼地摟他在懷裡,那一刻,你也是幸福的。
喜歡和愛其實只有一紙之隔,任 何愛都從喜歡開始,當有天你突 然發現,你喜歡的那個人在你眼中不再完美,而他的瑕疵正如月中的桂影一般讓你更加依依不捨,你會覺得與他光彩照人的一面相比,你更願意看他在你面前無助的表情,不知道是不是應該祝賀你,總之,你的感情昇華了
仰慕不是愛,甚至不是喜歡,當你對一個人只有仰慕之情時,你們 在一起便失去了和諧。
有人說愛一個人很累,的確是,因為你想為他承擔,可是愛與喜歡相比最大的魅力就在於, 當你和愛的人在一起時,你的感覺就像回家了!